We Cater To The Needs Of Members

What We Offer

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Member Training

Training Programs Tailored to the needs of Child Care Service Providers.

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Greater Unity Among Operators

Foster Concord & Co-operation Among Private Child Care Operators

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Advocacy For Members Needs

Provide Liaison With Sectors of Society on Behalf Of Members.

Registered BAPCCO Members

Private Child Care Operators Directory

Latest News

Past Activities

February 24, 2020

BAPCCO Annual Sports...

BAPCCO (the Barbados Association of Private Child Care Operators) held it's 2019 Annual S...
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November 8, 2019

National Circle Time...

The Barbados Association of Private Child Care Operators (BAPCCO) held its National Circle...
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June 6, 2019

Child Care Board ...

On June 6th, 2019 the Child Care Board (CCB) held it’s Quarterly Meeting with privat...
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Barbados Association of Private Child Care Operators Inc.